L R AS Published on Monday 16 October 2023 - n° 461 - Categories:purchase/sale contracts, French companies

A guarantee fund for energy purchase contracts in France

BPI France has been given the task of managing a guarantee fund for electricity purchase contracts concluded between an energy-consuming company and a renewable electricity supplier. It has a fund of €68 million.

which will intervene in the event of non-payment by the user for the duration of the contract up to 500 MW.

This guarantee will reassure suppliers and broaden the range of companies using competitive, low-carbon energy at a constant price over the term of the contract (10 to 20 years on average).


PV Magazine, 6 October 2023


Arkolia Energie is the first energy producer to have benefited from BPI France's Electricité Renouvelable guarantee, as part of its agreement with Bonduelle. The agreement covers 10 MWp/13 GWh over 20 years starting in 2024. It guarantees the agricultural industrialist a fixed electricity price during periods of uncertainty over the future price of electricity supplied by EDF.


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