L R AS Published on Sunday 8 October 2023 - n° 460 - Categories:R&D

In brief, R&D: organic PV panels, perovskite-CIGS cell, 20 micron cell, ISC-Futurasun

In brief, R&D: organic PV panels, perovskite-CIGS cell, 20-micron-thick cell, ISC-Futurasun

A Franco-Spanish team has developed organic photovoltaic panels integrated into plastic parts using high-speed injection moulding.

Injecting thermoplastic polyurethane into the panels improves their mechanical stability while retaining a high degree of flexibility. Injection moulding is a manufacturing technique that allows parts to be produced by injecting molten material into a mould and has the ability, according to the research group, to allow plastic solar cells to be developed in the mould with improved performance and stability.

"Integrating a printed solar module into a plastic part simplifies integration, while offering additional mechanical protection, shape adaptability and streamlined contacts for connections. "



New perovskite/CIGS tandem photovoltaic cell design promises 38.4% efficiency



Chinese researchers have built a P-type monocrystalline solar cell 20 microns thick. They achieved an efficiency of 21.1%. The scientists built the cell by depositing several metal nanofilms on both sides using plasma-assisted chemical vapour deposition. This method uses much less silicon than a traditional cell.



At EU PVSEC 40, the German research institute ISC Konstanz signed a licensing agreement with Italian panel manufacturer Futurasun Srl for the production of "poly-Zebra" cells developed at ISC. These are back-contact, polycrystalline, bifacial cells based on N-type silicon which, according to the ISC, can achieve efficiencies of 25% and more. A special feature of this cell technology is its low silver consumption, as the contacts are screen-printed with copper.

FuturaSun will produce the solar cells in China at its existing factory in Taizhou. Construction of a new plant with a capacity of 10 GW has just begun. The panels will then be manufactured in Italy.


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