L R AS Published on Sunday 1 October 2023 - n° 459 - Categories:storage area

66 GW of storage installed in the United States between 2023 and 2027?

The United States could install 66 GW of energy storage between 2023 and 2027, 83% of which will be grid storage, according to Wood Mackenzie. In the 2nd quarter, installations reached

1.7 MW/5.6 MWh of storage, representing an average duration of 3.3 hours. The amount installed was significantly lower than forecast, due to high interest rates and considerably negative political changes, particularly in California.


PV Magazine 28 September 2023

Editor's note Forecasters are always torn between announcing a figure for the next five years that is not too high to remain credible, and announcing a sharp increase in the next five years.dible, and announcing a sharp rise over the period even if it means not being believed, or being considered unrealistic. In this case, it is difficult to determine what is actually the case. Installations over the year would be 1.7 x 4, or 6.8 GW. The five-year forecast is ten times this possible achievement in 2023. This forecast is conceivable.

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