L R AS Published on Monday 25 September 2023 - n° 458 - Categories:News of the Month

Highlights of the week to 24 September

Highlight :

Should Chinese products be allowed to enter Europe freely in order to favour installers and therefore the public? Or is it preferable to save the European industry, which after a few years will be able to sell panels at a price comparable to that of Chinese products? The debate is stirring the photovoltaic world

A look back at the period 2009-2013 or liberalism versus protectionism

1st important point the price of a nuclear megawatt-hour

. Determining the price of a nuclear MWh is highly sensitive and highly political. As long as we don't have the details of the calculation, this price will be open to dispute.

. CRE has estimated the price of a nuclear megawatt-hour (MWh) in July 2023

2nd secondary point batteries

The European Union has approved a new regulation on batteries, designed to protect European manufacturers and safeguard the environment.

. A presentation of the new European battery regulations

3rd point (subsidiary) :

. Should priority be given to injecting solar energy into the grid during peak load periods?

The European energy system is in urgent need of reform.

Other interesting points : .

To recycle the components of end-of-life panels, all you need to do is use supercritical water!

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