L R AS Published on Monday 3 July 2023 - n° 452 - Categories:News of the Month

What to remember this week to 2 July 2023

Highlight Examples of the "will" of the Brussels authorities.

Last week, we were astonished that Europe was imposing so many decisions that seemed ill-conceived, ill-advised and badly put together. We presented them in the form of a will to act, a general attitude to establishing a European 'Union'. This week, we provide some justification for what may have appeared to be a bias. Above all, we want to emphasise that a large number of European decisions are either based on specific statistics, or project very presumptuously into the future. However, it is the people of Europe who will suffer as a result of this desire to legislate, as governments have rarely been seen to back down.

1st important point Germany calls on industry to come forward to revive the PV industry

The German government wants to launch PV panel production

Secondary point 2 The future of PV in Europe is bright thanks to support for start-ups

The awakening of financing for European solar start-ups

3rd point (subsidiary) Lithium is essential for batteries and therefore for electric vehicles

Lithium production in the second half of the year should exceed demand

Other interesting points :

Petition against the revival of nuclear power in France

Residential storage in France is marginal; heat pumps are selling well

Choosing single-layer or multilayer anti-reflective panels?

SMA has had a particularly successful first half

RE covered 52% of domestic electricity consumption in Germany inthe first half of 2023

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