L R AS Published on Monday 29 May 2023 - n° 447 - Categories:panels

In brief: new panels from Winaico, REging, LONGi, Yingli, Tongwei

In brief: new panels from Winaico, REging, LONGi,Yingli, Tongwei

These new products come from the SNEC trade fair in Shanghai

Germany's Winaico (see photo) will be launching a new series of 430-watt N-type TOPCon panels in the 3rd quarter, with a conversion rate of 21.8% to 22.0%.



China's Eging presents a new range of bifacial TOPCon solar panels, using 182 mm cells, with a conversion rate of 21.7% to 22.4%.



LONGi launches a series of seven 560 W to 590 W TOPCon solar panels with an efficiency of 21.7% to 22.8% (the Hi-Mo 7), using M10 cells.



Yingi launches n-type TOPCon solar panels for floating PV



China's Tongwei presents its latest panel models, the silver-free TNC-182 and 210-THC.


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