L R AS Published on Monday 1 May 2023 - n° 443 - Categories:the prices

The photovoltaic sector at production on 26 April

The price of silicon wafers from 160 μm to 130 μm declined. The transaction price on 26 April was between RMB 175 and RMB 190/kg, with an average of RMB 182.1/kg ($26.3), down 5.3% on the previous month.


PV Tech of 27 April 2023


Silicon :

As several major manufacturers have commissioned different production units, silicon is plentiful. Inventories are high and could rise between now and the end of the quarter as new production ramps up.

Prices continue to fall, to between RMB 174-183/kg. The most recent orders are below RMB 180/kg. Lower grades of silicon are selling below RMB 170/kg.

Wafers :

The supply of monosilicon wafers is increasing rapidly. The expectation of lower prices is making negotiations difficult.

Wafers in 182mm format are facing increased competition from a large number of suppliers and a dispersed supply. The price is between 6.22 and 6.28 RMB/piece. The main manufacturers are still holding their prices, but they will be forced to lower them. Tier 2 and 3 manufacturers are reducing their prices to below RMB 6.20 a piece.

The supply of wafers in 210 mm format is gradually increasing. Prices are falling despite a previously higher cost-performance per watt ratio. Their price is between 7.96 and 8.02 RMB/piece.

The fall in the price of silicon, the increase in supply and the reduction in production costs are boosting manufacturers' profitability, leaving room for price cuts. This will become apparent in May.

Cells :

Cell prices remain at last week's levels, at 1.07 RMB/W for M10 cells and 1.13 RMB/W for G12 cells. On foreign markets, cell prices maintain a premium of 0.02-0.03 RMB/W.

Cell prices remain firm, but Tier 2 and Tier 3 panel manufacturers find it difficult to accept current cell prices under cost pressure. In these conditions, small and medium-sized panel manufacturers could reduce their production in the middle of next month.

However, the trend is for cell prices to fall as a result of falling silicon and wafer prices. Following the trend in P-type cell prices, N-type cell prices changed little this week. M10 TOPCon cells are mainly trading at 1.2-1.22 RMB/W, with some as low as 1.19 RMB/W. For G12 HJT cells, most orders are coming from markets outside China, with trading volumes still low and prices trading at 1.3-1.4 RMB/W. TOPCon cells are seeing an increase in the number of suppliers and the volume of trade.

Panels :

Panel prices held steady this week. Glass-foil and glass-glass panels over 500 W are being delivered at 1.63-1.75 RMB/W and 1.65-1.76 RMB/W, mainly at 1.67-1.7 RMB/W and 1.68-1.72 RMB/W, respectively. The price gap between the two remains wide.

With some Tier 1 manufacturers reporting a high volume of orders, depleting stocks in sales channels, prices remain at 1.68-1.72 RMB/W. For distributed production projects, panel prices from Tier 2 and Tier 3 manufacturers are 0.05 RMB/W lower than their Tier 1 counterparts.

Due to apparent efforts by end-users to control prices, many panel manufacturers are prepared to reduce their prices in May. It is hoped that prices will come down gradually in the second quarter, as costs fluctuate.

In Europe, panel prices stand at $0.21-0.22/W.

Prices for N-type panels are stable. Prices for G12 HJT panels stood at RMB1.9-2/W, and were stable at $0.25-0.26/W in non-Chinese markets.

Prices for M10 TOPCon boards are holding steady at around RMB 1.73-1.82/W this week, with mainline prices at RMB 1.78-1.82/W. In overseas markets, prices are holding steady at $0.23-0.235/W.


InfoLink for 26 April 2023

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