L R AS Published on Wednesday 7 December 2022 - n° 427 - Categories:News of the Month

This week's highlights, as of 4 December 2022

The main point

The history of photovoltaics could be the history of the search for the space where it will be installed. It started with large power plants; the corresponding spaces became increasingly difficult to find. This led to trials on lakes and water bodies, and attempts were made to install them on oceans, motorways and railways. For the past few semesters, it is believed that they have found their place on agricultural land. Resistance is already being organised.

So we have to find somewhere else, especially if we combine wind power and photovoltaics to increase the amount of energy produced in the same place.

A look at an innovation that will revolutionise current photovoltaic technology

1st important point: One third of the world's silicon production is waste and dust. It is therefore interesting to recycle this wasted production. This is the subject of a European programme

Recovering one third of silicon production

2nd secondary point:covering panels with cultivated fields reduces soil evaporation and reduces the need for watering

Significant reduction in evaporation on agri-voltaic plots

3rd (subsidiary) point point (subsidiary) Prices are starting to fall in the industry, even if silicon manufacturers are trying to resist.

After the decline in wafer prices, the decline in cell prices.

Other interesting points :

Big blockage of Chinese PV products in US ports

Solar power from floating plants is competitive in southern Europe

Unsubsidised heat pumps are already competitive

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