L R AS Published on Sunday 13 November 2022 - n° 424 - Categories:French companies

Comwatt raises €2 million and changes its shareholder structure

Comwatt, an intelligent energy manager and an expert in residential solar self-consumption, has just raised €2 million from the Qair group.

an independent producer of renewable electricity (1 GW in operation), which is acquiring a majority stake.

The GEN4 box analyses electricity consumption in real time, directing the most energy-hungry appliances towards the cheapest energy, and eliminating energy wastage. A solar power plant saves an average of 25% on an individual's electricity bill. This saving can be increased to 70% with the Power GEN4 energy manager, thanks to more optimal consumption of the electricity produced by the solar panels.


Tecsol of 7 November 2022

Editor's note: This change of majority marks the end of a photovoltaic pioneer who was certainly ahead of his time: it's not enough to have developed an efficient device; the public must feel the need to buy it. But France is still behind the times, and therefore behind photovoltaics.

It's not certain that the economic climate has changed and that the new owner will be able to make the most of his purchase. You only have to look at the disparity between the 600,000 photovoltaic installations in France and the 30 million tax households to be convinced that the French population still doesn't see the value of solar panels!

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