L R AS Published on Monday 26 September 2022 - n° 417 - Categories:R&D

In brief, projects: tracker for uneven terrain, photovoltaic panel for vehicle

In brief: tracking systems for uneven terrain, photovoltaic panels for vehicles

Sunfolding presents a single-axis tracker (called TopoTrack) for uneven terrain.

This solution virtually eliminates any levelling on the surface of the solar power plant. It can be used on sites where it was not previously possible to build a photovoltaic system.



The French research institute Liten is presenting a prototype kit for vehicles (see photo). It consists of a 145 W photovoltaic panel, a magnetic rear panel and an MPPT charge controller, as well as a battery and a microinverter.

This allows the stored energy to be injected into the grid when the vehicle is recharged. This device could reduce the frequency of recharging by 14%, which is not to be underestimated.


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