L R AS Published on Monday 26 September 2022 - n° 417 - Categories:French companies, self-consumption

CVE specialises in installations for self-consumption

CVE, a French independent producer of renewable energy, has chosen a niche, that of self-consumption by companies: it installs a solar power plant on the site of activity.

The energy produced is used for self-consumption. This positioning has become particularly judicious and promising with the current energy crisis. An installation can reduce the energy bill by 10% to 30%.


Tecsol of 25 September 2022

Editor's note: This positioning makes it possible to get around the location problems encountered by very large power plants. It favours medium-sized installations more in line with the size of the company. It solves the outlets aspect because CVE is only a service provider by installing solar power plants. It also solves the financing aspect because, depending on the case, the company pays for the construction of the installation.

On the other hand, this positioning does not allow for the accumulation of power plants and thus for the creation of a portfolio of power plants.

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