L R AS Published on Monday 12 September 2022 - n° 415 - Categories:Europe

Remarks on energy by the President of the Commission

The President of the European Commission has presented measures to contain the rise in energy prices:

"- Smart electricity savings. We need a strategy

to smooth out the peaks that determine the price of electricity. We will propose a mandatory target for reducing electricity consumption at peak times.

  • Capping the income of companies producing low-cost electricity. Low-carbon energy sources are generating unexpected revenues. It is time for consumers to benefit from the low costs of low-carbon energy sources, such as renewable energies. We will propose redirecting these windfalls to support vulnerable people and businesses.
  • Support for vulnerable households and businesses could consist of limiting the energy price cap to €200/MWh. EU Member States would use the revenue generated by this price cap to help vulnerable households and businesses cope with the situation.
  • Oil and gas companies have also made huge profits. We will therefore propose a solidarity contribution for companies using fossil fuels.
  • Liquidity support for energy service companies. They need support to cope with market volatility. We will update our temporary framework to allow state guarantees to be issued quickly. "


Tecsol of 8 September 2022

Editor's note We have already denounced the demagogic nature of the President of the European Commission. She is showing her true colours once again. If she were honest, she would admit that she is behind this price explosion. Trying to reduce the effects of her own disastrous decisions is like the pyromaniac fireman who wants to help put out the fires. It would have been better not to start the fire in the first place.

As for setting a price ceiling, this is technocratic, because one day or other with current inflation, this amount will be reached and far exceeded. Clearly, the Commission wants a united Europe, whatever the administrative, political or economic cost. Whatever the realism of the proposed decisions.

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