L R AS Published on Saturday 10 September 2022 - n° 415 - Categories:the prices

Prices in the sector on 7 September: Cell prices rise again

Silicon :

The volume of production could exceed 80,000 tonnes of silicon in September due to the resumption of production in Sichuan and the start-up of new plants. However, this will not be enough

until mid-September. The ingot sector does not have enough silicon production available.

New orders for monograde silicon rose to 303-306 RMB/kg this week. This is slightly higher than those signed previously. As the silicon shortage persists, the high end of the trading price range for sporadic orders is increasing. It is difficult for large manufacturers to accept higher prices. Silicon prices reach a plateau, while quotations vary more widely. Buyers are beginning to feel less pressure to place orders.

Wafers :

Wafer production volumes will increase only slightly in September due to the power cuts in August, the persistent shortage of silicon, and the resurgence of the pandemic, which is increasing restrictions and displacements.

The price of wafers stands at RMB 9.91/piece for the 210mm format and a thickness of 155µm; at RMB 7.52/piece for the 182mm-155μm format. Prices for mono-Si M6 wafers are falling as the product nears the end of its life.

Wafer prices are starting to differentiate. Prices for lower quality 182mm wafers are falling sharply, while prices for higher quality wafers are holding up for the time being. This differentiation could intensify in October.

Type N products are growing faster, with some manufacturers bringing 140 μm thick wafers to market. By the end of the year, P-type monoSi wafers should reach a thickness of 150 μm.

Cells :

Although electricity rationing has been lifted, manufacturers are unable to make up for the supply shortfall that occurred in August. This is affecting cell deliveries. The shortage of cells is exacerbated.

The main cell manufacturers are updating their prices this month. Currently, M10 cell prices are 1.3-1.31 RMB/W, and sometimes 1.32 RMB/W. Prices for M6 and G12 cells are 1.29 RMB/W and 1.3-1.31 RMB/W respectively.

As the rate of self-utilisation of production capacity increases, the volume of sales outside manufacturers is falling. The lower volumes are pushing up cell prices, which are reaching 1.28-1.29 RMB/W for M6 cells, 1.29-1.31 RMB/W for M10 cells and 1.3 RMB/W for G12 cells. G12 cells are seeing the biggest price rise, due to strategic purchasing by panel manufacturers.

Cell prices will remain high in a context of limited supply this month. The short-term price trend depends on the relationship between supply and demand. In the latter part of October, cell prices could show signs of falling, provided end-user demand is moderate and cell production increases steadily.

Panels :

Panel prices depend on the progress of solar power plant construction. Production is expected to rise to 25 or 26 GW, but this will depend on the availability of cells. Panel prices have changed little this week. The price range is widening for glass-foil panels over 500 W, which are being delivered mainly at 1.95-2 RMB /W this week. This is the price for ground-mounted projects, with occasional low prices of 1.93 RMB/W. Panels for distributed projects cost between 1.96 and 2 RMB/W.

Prices are unlikely to fall this month, as upstream prices in the supply chain remain high.

Panel manufacturers want to adjust prices, but end-users don't seem willing to accept. Overall, prices are holding steady at last week's level, with the low price range losing ground slightly.

In Europe, glass-foil panels with a power rating of more than 500 W are being delivered at $0.263-0.28/W, and slightly more, at $0.275-0.28/W, on the spot market.

N-type cells and panels :

The market has not yet seen many price offers for N-type products, resulting in small variations. Prices are holding at 1.39-1.5 RMB/W for M6 HJT cells and 1.32-1.41 RMB/W for M10 and G12 TOPCon cells.

Panel prices are holding up temporarily this week, at RMB 2.07-2.3/W for M6 HJT panels, and at $0.29-0.33/W on overseas markets.

Prices for TOPCon M10 and G12 panels remain at the same level as last week, at 2.07-2.12 RMB/W for monofacial panels, 2.10-2.15 RMB/W for bifacial panels, and around $0.28-0.31/W on overseas markets.


InfoLink of 7 September 2022

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