L R AS Published on Monday 29 August 2022 - n° 413 - Categories:company results

Enphase Energy in Q2: strong business activity

In the second quarter, Enphase Energy almost doubled its revenue in Europe compared to the previous year. It is benefiting from the demand for homeowners' self-consumption, which is increasing as energy prices rise:

Strong demand for microinverters has been seen in the Netherlands, France, Germany, Belgium, Spain and Portugal. It is driven by both the proliferation of electric vehicles (EVs) and natural gas shortages. Demand is expected to grow by 40% in Q3 compared to Q2.


Quarterly consolidated sales reached $530 million (+68% on Q2 2021). This corresponds to the delivery of 1,213 MW-dc of inverters in Q2 2022, a 52% jump year-on-year, while shipments of the company's IQ battery tripled to 132 MWh. Gross margin was 41%.

Enphase expects Q3 2022 sales of $590-630 million and a gross margin of 38-41%.


PV Tech of 27 July 2022

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