L R AS Published on Tuesday 31 May 2022 - n° 406 - Categories:other methods

Another way of storing energy: using a shape-changing molecule

After demonstrating how energy can be extracted in the form of heat, Swedish researchers at the University of Chalmers have succeeded in producing electricity by connecting it to a thermoelectric generator. have now succeeded in producing electricity by connecting it to a thermoelectric generator.

"This is a radically new way of producing electricity.

from solar energy. This means that solar energy can be used to generate electricity regardless of the weather, time of day, season or geographical location. It is a closed system that can operate without causing carbon dioxide emissions."

The technology is based on the MOST (Molecular Solar Thermal Energy Storage Systems) solar energy system. It is based on a specially designed molecule that changes shape when it comes into contact with sunlight. The molecule is made up of carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen. As the atoms are arranged differently after receiving solar energy, it becomes an isomer. It can then be stored in liquid form for up to 18 years, to be used later when needed, for example at night or in winter. A suitable catalyst releases the energy saved in the form of heat while returning the molecule to its original form, so that it can then be reused in the heating system. The energy system can also generate electricity on demand.



Editor's note: If this process works, it means that it will store energy over the long term. That's what lithium batteries can't do. Whether this process becomes widespread will depend on its cost price.

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