L R AS Published on Tuesday 5 April 2022 - n° 400 - Categories:cells, panels

In short, cells and panels,

In short, cells and panels :

Bisol launches bifacial solar panels

450 W and 550 W solar panels from SolarJuice Technology

FuturaSun SILK Premium photovoltaic panels

N-type TOPCon solar cell from Trina Solar

LONGi gallium-doped p-type heterojunction PV cell

Formamidinium-Cesium Perovskite Solar Cell


Bisol is launching bifacial solar panels with 30% transparency for agrivoltaics and carports with 260 W and 300 W output respectively. Frontal efficiencies range from 13.5% to 14.0%; the temperature coefficient is -0.35% per degree Celsius.



US-based SPI Energy reports that SolarJuice Technology has launched 450W and 550W solar panels for commercial projects. The panels are manufactured at the company's new factory in Sacramento, California. The plant will be expanded to 1.1 GW in the third quarter.



New FuturaSun SILK Premium series of photovoltaic panels: up to 510 Wp, 21.3% efficiency


PV Magazine of 8 March 2022


Trina Solar obtains a 210 x 210 mm TOPCon N-type solar cell with a conversion rate of 25.5 %.



LONGi has set a new efficiency record for a gallium-doped p-type heterojunction PV cell. It achieved a cell conversion rate of 25.5% using a single crystal silicon wafer and a full size M6 cell (274.3 cm²) produced using mass production processes.



Chinese researchers have developed a formamidinium-cesium perovskite solar cell with an efficiency of 24.2%. The cell was built into a 10 cm² mini-panel and achieved an efficiency of 20.5 %.


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