L R AS Published on Tuesday 1 March 2022 - n° 395 - Categories:various issues around PV, panels

Plug-in panels

In two years (2020 and 2021), 128,000 new stand-alone panels totalling 51 MW will be installed in Germany, bringing the total to 190,000 plug-in PV panels.

A number of suppliers already dominate the market, but there are also many smaller companies providing keen competition. Around 75% of rechargeable solar systems are sold directly to end customers.

Given this emerging phenomenon, we wonder why there are unreasonable standards and requirements from the grid operator. There is an urgent need to simplify the use of plug-in solar systems. In principle, all plug-in solar panels have to be registered with the German federal agency. However, only 10-20% of them are, due to the complexity of the declarations required.

1/3 of these panels are installed on balconies; 1/2 are placed on a flat roof or in the garden.


PV Magazine 24 February 2022

NDLR Indeed, the connections for an inverter now seem quite simple. In fact, any new technology seems complicated and should be reserved for specialists and other well-trained technicians. Gradually, the diagrams are being simplified, standardised and made accessible to as many people as possible. Installation is then left to the users, as we have seen with the switching on of a television, a computer, etc. We are now seeing panels being sold in kit form to the general public, with the possible assistance of a technician because the panels have to be mounted on the roof. If the panels are installed at ground level and you just plug in the plug, anyone can do it, and there are already sales to the general public.

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