L R AS Published on Monday 7 February 2022 - n° 392 - Categories:miscellaneous financial

Company news: SAFT-Neoen, Verkor in Dunkirk, Plüm acquired

Company news: SAFT-Neoen, Verkor in Dunkirk, Plüm acquired

SAFT, a subsidiary of TotalEnergies, is to build an 8 MW/8 MWh storage system that will enable Neoen to provide frequency regulation services.

of the electricity network as part of its contractual commitments to RTE. Completion is scheduled for spring 2022



Verkor, a young French company, has chosen Dunkirk as the location for its gigafactory for battery cell production. The first deliveries are scheduled for July 2025, with a capacity of 16 GWh, rising to 50 GWh by 2030. The plant will supply European and international carmakers.

Verkor is backed in particular by Renault (20%), Schneider Electric, CapGemini and Arkema.



The energy distributor Plüm has been acquired by the British company Octopus EnergyGroupe. The latter operates in thirteen European countries. Plüm has 100,000 customers and is targeting 1 million energy contracts by 2025 (3.4% market share).

It should be noted that Planète Oui has been placed in receivership because it was unable to absorb the spectacular rise in energy prices.


Editor's note Alternative distributors have been buffeted by this rise in energy prices. They were unable to pass on the increase to customers quickly enough. These two examples are joined by Hydroption and Leclerc, which has stopped marketing its offers.

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