L R AS Published on Monday 24 January 2022 - n° 390 - Categories:hydrogen

IRENA praises the merits of hydrogen, whose use will remain marginal in 2050!

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) says that green hydrogen could bring about significant geo-economic and geopolitical changes

generating a wave of unprecedented interdependencies. It claims that hydrogen will cover up to 12% of global energy consumption by 2050.


Tecsol of 17 January 2022

Editor's note: The IRENA article is much more detailed than presented above. It is part of the enthusiasm of some for this new energy. IRENA cannot go against a dominant opinion. We do not believe in it by 2050 because of its cost, the transformations that the irruption of hydrogen would imply in daily life, and the difficulties of the technical mastery of this gas.

At a time when Europe is enthusiastic about hydrogen, the Americans are more wisely betting on renewable energies, on electricity transport, on lowering the cost of electricity, and on reducing the cost of electricity.This is more reasonable, because it is the only way to reduce the cost of energy and to take into account the effects, consequences and changes associated with renewable energies. This is more reasonable, because it is an established technology. Rightly or wrongly, we believe that hydrogen does not have the future that it is promised in the foreseeable future (30 years), that the huge capital that Europeans want to spend on it will be squandered and that there is more to be gained from renewable energies than from hydrogen

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