L R AS Published on Monday 29 November 2021 - n° 384 - Categories:European countries

By using rooftops, Belgium could increase its PV installations sixteenfold

The Belgian institute EnergyVille has just compiled a list of Belgium's rooftop photovoltaic and onshore wind power potential. It arrives at a total volume of 118 GW (99.6 GW solar + 18.2 GW wind). Flanders has the largest rooftop solar potential with 65 MW; Wallonia has 30 GW and Brussels has 4 GW. At the end of 2020, Belgium had an installed capacity of 6 GW, almost exclusively residential and commercial solar.

These figures require the use of photovoltaic panels of 226 Wp per m², with a specified tilt and orientation per building type, while Belgium has between 930 and 1,060 hours of full load sunshine. This would produce 99.3 TWh per year.


PV Magazine of 25 November 2021

Editor's note: This means that Belgium could install more than 16 times the current solar capacity by using only the roofs. This would leave the ground surfaces untouched

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