L R AS Published on Sunday 3 October 2021 - n° 376 - Categories:placing on the market

In short: Fimer inverters, Apsystems microinverters, Delta inverters, Triple Solar heat pump

In short: Fimer inverters, Apsystems microinverters, Delta inverters, Triple Solar heat pump

Fimer has launched what it calls a new Power Platform consisting of two new inverters

single-phase and three-phase (PowerUNO and PowerTRIO, from 2 to 8.5 kW) and a residential battery.



APsystems presents a dual microinverter, the DS3. Its output power ranges from 730 to 960 VA. It can be combined with any choice of PV panel type and size, including those with 60 or 72 cells



Delta presents two three-phase string inverters. Input voltages range from 200 to 1,000 VDC. The smaller unit has an efficiency of 98.3% and the larger one 98.5%.



The Dutch Triple Solar has introduced a heat pump that is powered solely by the company's thermal PV solar panels. The 3.5 kW propane-cooled device can be installed in both small houses, existing flats and new fully electric buildings


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