L R AS Published on Saturday 25 September 2021 - n° 375 - Categories:placing on the market

In brief: new products from Solarge, Sonnenstromfabrik, Triple Solar, Tigo, Generac

In brief: new products from Solarge, Sonnenstromfabrik, Triple Solar, Tigo, Generac

Solarge (mentioned last week:A 500W panel that weighs 50% less than glass/backsheet panels) has halved the weight of a 50% solar panel by replacing glass with reinforced plastic.

The use of 400°C plastics eliminates high temperature processes for glass and aluminium, reducing carbon emissions by 25%. This has no impact on the efficiency of the solar panel conversions.

A 206 x 99 cm panel weighs 10.5 kg or 5.25 kg/m².

Solarge plans to build a factory in Eindhoven by spring 2022 to produce 500,000 m² of panels per year.



The German company Sonnenstromfabrik is marketing three new all-black glass-glass panels using 182 mm cells (M10). The power range is between 350 W and 490 W.


Editor's note It would have been interesting to know the production capacity of this company. Is it confidential or does it have a solid base?


The Dutch company Triple Solar markets solar and thermal panels that can be connected to water-to-water heat pumps or to the thermal network



American Tigo presents a new string inverter that adapts to direct and alternating current



The American Generac presents two new models of micro-inverters, the PWR 1:1 to be fixed on a single panel, and the PWR 2:1 for two panels. They will be available in 2022.

This expands the company's range of battery backups with a modular design, and string inverters


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