L R AS Published on Monday 5 July 2021 - n° 369 - Categories:R&D

R & D Highlights - 1: III-V cell at 68.9%, floating plant test, new plastic material

R & D Highlights - 1: III-V cell at 68.9%, floating power plant test, new plastic material

Germany's Fraunhofer ISE presents a III-V solar cell with an efficiency of 68.9

for laser energy transmission systems. This is a gallium arsenide cell.

Laser energy transmission systems are not very different from energy transmission systems based on microwave technology. These systems convert the energy source into a transmitter that generates directional electromagnetic radiation, which is then absorbed by a receiver. The receiver can then convert this energy into electricity, heat or hydrogen



The PV2Float research project involves Fraunhofer ISE, RWE Renewables and BTU University. It will test several floating photovoltaic systems of different designs and structures to assess the validity of the technology and its application in the real world. It will examine the technical requirements (design, materials, environmental compatibility and operational management), economic efficiency and ecological effects of floating photovoltaic power plants in Germany, as well as the ecological effects these systems can have on water bodies.



The Taiwan Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) has developed a new corrosion-resistant engineering plastic material for panel frames. It has high strength and insulation,


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