AS Published on Monday 28 June 2021 - n° 368 - Categories:Thread of the Week

Le Fil de la Semaine n°368 of 28 June


The texts to read this week :



Regarding the revision of the 2006-2010 tariffs, one can cry "ruin". We can examine the State's proposals in detail and show their weaknesses

Rather than evoking the bankruptcy of the companies that benefited from the 2006-2010 tariffs and the ruin of the State's word, the French Electricity Union creates doubt in the calculations put forward by the public authorities. This is effective because the latter seemed to have studied their case well. UFE shows that questionable choices have been made. This is enough to ruin the State's objective to review the electricity purchase tariffs.

Revision of the tariffs 2006-2010: UFE "concerned" asks to review the calculation

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Under the pretext of safeguarding the Uyghur people, America is following its objective: to shake up Chinese PV domination

The pretext was found with the poor Uyghurs victims of the will of oppression and forced labour imposed by the Chinese power. It justifies the American desire to regain lost world domination in photovoltaics. It is in Xinjiang (western China) that silicon is produced, a material that is essential for the production of solar panels and used in other electronic components. Since 24 June 2021, the US Customs Service has been responsible for letting in products that do not come from Xinjiang and for turning away the others. It will be necessary to separate the good products from the bad! The measure has the advantage of being flexible and adaptable. We haven't heard the last of it.

The new Sino-American trade war (Part 1)

The new Sino-American trade war (Part 2)

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The US economic, political and strategic recovery plan

Jeoe Biden has won his bet to launch a plan to renovate the infrastructure of the United States. Admittedly, he had to reduce his ambitions by 40%, but his well-structured plan enabled him to achieve several objectives: an economic revival, to get the renewable energy professionals on his side, and to attack China's monopoly on photovoltaic energy. It would be wrong to see this investment plan as a gimmick. It will return the United States to the supremacy it once had.

US agreement on $1.2 trillion infrastructure plan

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By helping to recreate a US PV industry, the Biden plan gets protectionist measures against China accepted

The US offensive is against China (see the trade war resurgence above), and for the reconstruction of a US PV industry. This double action is part of the infrastructure renovation/development plan that the new president has just had adopted by Congress. The recovery of the United States is underway, even if the creation of an industry will take several semesters

American aid to boost local photovoltaic production

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The goal of creating a PV industry and installations is helping to create strong industrial groups that will drive India's economic development

A few years ago, India's renewable energy targets were met with a smile. Even today, manufacturers are still very inconsistent and installations are still limited on a subcontinental scale. The big difference over the past few years is that momentum is building. We can no longer smile. We must take advantage of India's desire to reach 280 GW of installed solar energy by 2030 (i.e. 28 GW per year!). This dynamic is achieved through customs duties, aid to manufacturers, and the creation of groups that will dominate Indian photovoltaic energy in a few years' time

The ambitions of an Indian group in renewable energy

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Even the G7 is calling for an accelerated energy transition. Yet nothing is happening. What is the reason for the stalemate?

Everyone wants a greener world; everyone accepts the idea of global warming, no one wants greenhouse gas emissions. But who is doing what? Who is changing what? pvXchange points out that the installation of renewable generators should be accelerated, but nothing is moving, as the scale of the task is so great. He points out the contradiction that everyone witnesses every day.

What can be done to accelerate RE installations in the current economic climate?

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A large number of studies indicate that it would be more interesting for the managers of coal-fired power plants to shut down their installations and replace them with solar or wind generators. Yet despite the seemingly indisputable figures, coal is resisting. Renewable energies are developing, but not excessively. IRENA produces a new study to justify the change, but doubt remains...

What would be the gain from replacing coal-fired power plants with RE plants?

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The beginning of the year was marked by a shortage of silicon. Is this really the case with the accounts of JinkoSolar? The group increased its deliveries by 35% last year, as if it had enough silicon to produce without counting the cost, and the only effect of the economic situation was a slight decline in turnover and gross margin, and finally in profits. Nothing dramatic

JinkoSolar inQ1: suffered from the economic situation

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