AS Published on Wednesday 26 May 2021 - n° 363 - Categories:PV Watch

A look at the changes taking place in photovoltaics

All the current commentary on photovoltaics revolves around the real or organised shortage of silicon, the rise in prices, the consequences of reduced production by panel assemblers, the contracts being built, the policy to be followed in the face of this rise.

These are legitimate and worrying questions in the short term, which installers are examining almost daily for answers.

At the same time as this shortage, which will only last for a short time, a fundamental question emerges which has not been asked but whose answer engages the long-term future: who should renewable energies be used for? Is it for individuals? But how? Is it for industry in general? In what form? For certain categories of companies? But which ones? A split is already apparent in the European tradition and the Chinese choice. The answer to this question is fundamental

More concretely, changes are taking place in the roofs, in the installation of the panels. In Germany, the panels are less and less oriented to the south. This is an interesting observation. What is the logic behind it?

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