L R AS Published on Tuesday 25 May 2021 - n° 363 - Categories:hydrogen

Green ammonia could be profitable by 2030 in certain niches

Finnish scientists believe that hybrid wind-solar power plants could make green ammonia cost competitive in niche markets by 2030. They say,

Ammonia could be worth between €345 and €420 per tonne in 2030, compared to €440 to €630 per tonne today. The current price of ammonia produced from fossil fuels is between €300 and €350 per tonne.

Ammonia is used 80% in agriculture, to generate ammonium nitrate fertilisers, which release nitrogen. It is a basic nutrient for the growth of plants, crops and lawns. The production of green ammonia from semi-flexible plants powered by hybrid PV-wind power plants could be a better solution not only in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, but also in terms of final costs. "Green ammonia has the best chance of becoming the first fossil fuel disruptive e-fuel/e-chemical, simply because of its attractive economics."


PV Magazine 20 May 2021

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