L R AS Published on Monday 12 April 2021 - n° 358 - Categories:other France

In brief from France: 100,000 Enercoop customers, AAE from SNCF, fuel cells from HDF Energy, hydrogen for VhyGO

In brief from France: 100,000 Enercoop customers, AAE from SNCF, fuel cells from HDF Energy, hydrogen for VhyGO

Enercoop, the fully renewable energy supplier (electricity and gas) has just welcomed its 100,000th customer in France



SNCF signs another 20 MW energy supply contract. This time with EDF. The plant will be located in the communes of Lachapelle-Auzac and Souillac, in the Lot department. It will be commissioned in 2023

SNCF Voyageurs wants to achieve 40% to 50% of its electricity consumption from renewable sources



HDF Energy is to install one of the first mass production plants for high-powered fuel cells in Europe on the outskirts of Bordeaux. It is expected to be operational by 2023



The aim of the VhyGO consortium is to set up a renewable hydrogen production site in the West of France at less than €8/kg at the pump by 2030.


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