L R AS Published on Sunday 11 April 2021 - n° 358 - Categories:R&D

Promising new material for energy storage in batteries

Russian scientists are presenting a promising new material for energy storage in batteries, the result of more than three years of research. By incorporating a nickel-salen polymer

in the cathode, the group has demonstrated that the battery can charge and discharge ten times faster than current lithium-ion batteries.

Nickel-salen is one of a group of materials known as nitroxyl-containing redox-active polymers. These materials are known to have high energy density and fast redox potential, providing the potential for fast charge batteries. However, they have the disadvantage of low conductivity.

The scientists synthesised the compounds, eventually finding one that was stable and efficient enough to be used. They then began testing its storage capabilities.

The new battery is capable of operating at low temperatures. It will be an excellent option when fast charging is crucial. It is safe (there is nothing that can cause combustion, unlike the cobalt-based batteries that are so common today). "It also contains far fewer metals that can harm the environment. Nickel is present in this polymer in small amounts, but there is much less of it than in lithium-ion batteries."


PV Tech of 8 April 2021

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