L R AS Published on Monday 15 March 2021 - n° 354 - Categories:the prices

Producer prices on 10 March 2021 according to PV InfoLink


Silicon orders for the month were signed last week. Only urgent or small orders remain,

which leads to a price increase to 110 RMB /kg. Silicon manufacturers have no more stocks to sell. As a result, the price of silicon has increased by 25% from the pre-Lunar New Year level of 88 RMB. This high price will continue until next month.


Wafer prices have stabilised. M6 (166 mm) 175 µm is worth RMB 3.68-3.7/piece and $0.5-0.505/piece. Prices for 175 µm M10 (182 mm) and G12 (210 mm) are RMB 4.44/piece and RMB 6.16/piece respectively.

The shortage of silicon is expected to keep wafer prices high as demand from cell manufacturers remains strong


The conflict between cell and panel manufacturers remains. Vertically integrated companies are reducing the utilisation rate of their internal panel lines and in turn increasing cell capacity. Some manufacturers have even reduced their external purchases. This is because wafer prices remain firm while panel prices do not change. The production cost is too high for the cell manufacturers. If wafer prices rise further, some cell manufacturers may change their lines or stop them for maintenance.

The overall supply of G1 cells has decreased slightly, but demand remains strong, resulting in a small price increase to RMB 0.91-10.05/W, with an average price of RMB 0.94-0.95/W. Overseas, prices range from $0.117 to $0.128/W.

The price of M6 cells remains at RMB 0.82-0.86/W. Larger cells depend on the OEM model and dual distribution. Direct purchase prices have fluctuated slightly. This week, trading prices for M10 size remain at 0.88-0.9 RMB/W, while the average price for G12 is around 0.89-0.91 RMB/W.


Rising silicon prices have prompted panel manufacturers to increase their prices for new orders and renegotiate existing contracts. Manufacturers are looking to secure their profits.

A tender price for the largest format from a Tier 1 manufacturer was negotiated at RMB 1.67-1.72/W, which is higher than those frequently seen in recent times. The internal rate of return on systems has contracted as a result of these high prices

The rush for installations on 30 June seems to be running out of steam. Price differences were observed between Tier 1 and Tier 2 panel manufacturers. At the same time, Tier 1 manufacturers have further reduced their utilisation rates in an attempt to limit their inventory levels and curb rising silicon and wafer prices.

PV InfoLink of 10 March

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