L R AS Published on Sunday 7 March 2021 - n° 353 - Categories:various products

In brief new products: Altrex lift, Edgehog anti-reflective glass, perovskite cell interconnection

In brief new products: Altrex lift, Edgehog anti-reflective glass, perovskite cell interconnection

Altrex, a Dutch company that produces ladders, scaffolding and suspended platforms, has developed a new modular lifting system

for solar panels: it is used to mount them on roofs. This "Shuttle" system would be light and easy to handle and mount. It consists of guide profiles attached to the bars, a winch that can be operated by a cordless drill and various brackets.



The young Canadian company Edgehog Advanced Technologies has developed an omnidirectional anti-reflective glass for solar panels. This special glass is hydrophobic. It is expected to reduce the accumulation of dust and residue, thereby reducing the need for maintenance. This glass would provide an energy gain of 4-5% when the sun's rays are at normal or perpendicular incidence, and up to 25% at the beginning and end of the day.



German scientists have improved the marking method for interconnecting perovskite PV cells to form mini PV panels. They have established the appropriate laser fluence ranges. Times in nanoseconds allow higher efficiency levels to be achieved than with periods in picoseconds.


PV Magazine of 2 March 2021

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