L R AS Published on Monday 15 February 2021 - n° 350 - Categories:R&D

In R&D brief: the thin film that produces and stores energy. The effect of wind blades on PV

In R&D brief: the thin film that produces and stores energy. The effect of wind blades on PV

The British company Power Roll has developed a flexible thin film that produces and stores solar energy. Its rate of return already reaches

11 % and is aiming for 20 %. Most importantly, the company claims that its thin film can be produced at a cost of $0.03/W (compared to $202 for silicon panels). The company plans to begin pilot production later this year.

Its substrate, a flexible polymer, has tiny grooves in which perovskite solar ink is deposited to form the solar cell (any light-absorbing ink can be placed on it). The application of different material coatings on its microgroove film could create both energy storage devices and capacitors. Potentially, they could create a device that would be a solar cell on one side, with combined energy storage on the back.


PV Magazine of 12 February 2021


Hybrid power plants (solar + wind) can encounter shading problems due to the mast of the wind turbine and also due to the movement of the blades. The Dutch organisation TNO is studying the problem because little is known about dynamic shading that moves. Is it more disruptive than a slow moving blade? Two power plants are already being studied. TNO is looking for other hybrid farms to expand its panel.


PV Magazine of 11 February 2021

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