L R AS Published on Monday 1 February 2021 - n° 348 - Categories:meetings

Dossiers to be submitted before the evening of 5 February to be mentioned in the EU PVSEC

EU PVSEC, which will take place from 6 to 10 September, offers engineers and researchers the opportunity to present their latest results to specialists and decision-makers from all over the world.

These documents will guide the programmes of this event

The themes of the conference are

- New materials and concepts for photovoltaic devices

- Silicone materials and cells

- Perovskites and other non-silicon materials and devices, multi-junction / tandems

- Photovoltaic modules and BoS components

- PV systems - modelling, design, operation and performance

- PV applications, integration and storage

- Finance, markets and politics


Tecsol of 26 January 2021

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