L R AS Published on Monday 30 November 2020 - n° 342 - Categories:perovskite, R&D

In brief about perovskite: Ink printing; photosensitive layer; device looks promising

Perovskite at a glance: Inkjet printing; photosensitive layer; device looks promising

Perovskite research is focused on printing with a special ink.

capable after evaporation of leaving a perovskite film. It relates to the solvent, the combination between the solvent and the perovskite, the regularity of the spreading and the greater or lesser speed of evaporation.

The article details the research carried out at the Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin (HZB).



South Koreans have developed a new photo-active layer and obtained a certified efficiency of 24.4% to 25.2% on a perovskite cell.


PV Magazine of November 23rd


Thin layers of perovskite were produced using a two-nozzle device: "One nozzle sprays a liquid solution of chemical precursors of perovskite onto a glass pane, while the other releases a jet of highly reactive ionised gas called plasma". This new method proposed by Stanford University produces a layer of perovskite in one go and four times faster than previous processes. It would be capable of producing 12 metres of perovskite film per minute. The cell has an efficiency of 18% and the panel 15.5%.

The process could produce a panel that is ten times cheaper (at $0.25 per square foot) than one based on crystalline silicon.


NDLR Without being able to judge better than through this document, this process seems promising both for the technique used and for the cost of production. This means that we are getting closer to the commercialisation of perovskite cells and perhaps tandem cells.

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