L R AS Published on Monday 30 November 2020 - n° 342 - Categories:various sectors

On roofs, is it better to plant vegetables or install panels?

On building roofs, is it better to install vegetable cultivation or PV panels?

Both solutions have advantages: urban agriculture

mitigates carbon emissions, reduces the need for heating or air conditioning in buildings. The installation of PV systems, on the other hand, reduces dependence on the electricity grid!

British scientists from Imperial College London and the University of Aberdeen have studied different agricultural installations (open air, glasshouse, air-conditioned glasshouse) for growing tomatoes. They compared the results with those of photovoltaic systems.

The result of their work is that the installation of panels provides more economic benefits than the agricultural options; only the cultivation under conditioned greenhouse offers an economically competitive and ecologically sustainable alternative.


PV Magazine of 27 November

NDLR Choosing the tomato that is the cheapest and most common product leads to the above result. Would it have been the same if you had grown more noble and expensive products such as beans, ... The above study is interesting but badly conducted.

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