L R AS Published on Saturday 28 November 2020 - n° 342 - Categories:meetings

Energaïa will hold its annual exhibition digitally on 9 and 10 December.

Energaïa will hold its annual exhibition digitally on 9 and 10 December, and remembers to your good memories

Wednesday 9 December: Plenary conference (morning) :

"Accelerating transitions for a more resilient society".

5th Regional Energy Conference (afternoon): "Making the energy renovation project for a Positive Energy Region accessible to all"...

Thursday 10 December: Conference (morning): "Floating offshore wind turbines: towards commercial parks".

Conference (afternoon): "Green Hydrogen: the birth of a new industry".

To register... http://energaia.mediactive-events.com/index.php?langue_id=1

Tecsol of November 26th

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