L R AS Published on Saturday 28 November 2020 - n° 342 - Categories:France, other France

A new club for PV companies: IPVF Unite

The Institut Photovoltaïque d'Ile-de-France (IPVF) wants to bring together photovoltaic players around innovative projects and build the industry of tomorrow. The IPVF Unite wants to be a link between research and users of photovoltaic technologies. It wants to be

a disseminator of skills for energy production, for building construction, for transport, for agriculture, for service providers what the IPVF resume in one sentence: "Accelerating the creation of R&D value for industry through scientific excellence, innovation and collaboration. »

This will be achieved through meetings, better dialogue between the players with a directory, networking breakfasts, conferences, pooling of the most advanced and relevant projects, and putting current events into perspective. This action will involve setting up working groups to analyse and resolve specific issues.

Information and membership : https://ipvf.fr/contact/


PV Magazine of 27 November

Editor's note This initiative is particularly useful because it does not duplicate the work of the professional unions Enerplan or the SER. It aims to provide technology, to disseminate know-how, to bring together theory and practice. It remains about improving the daily work of the members of this association, about solving concrete problems encountered, and perhaps towards a sharing of best practices.

A tool is being put in place. Let us hope that it will fulfil its mission and that thanks to it photovoltaic energy in France will develop better.

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