L R AS Published on Saturday 28 November 2020 - n° 342 - Categories:France, other France

The Minister presents the BR 2020

On 24 November, the Ministry of Ecology presented the main orientations of the RE2020. This environmental regulation should revolutionise the construction sector. Mainly affected, the sector

gas which is almost eliminated from new housing, from 2021 for detached houses and from 2024 for collective housing. The French Gas Federation is unhappy about this, because it says "great efforts have been made in recent years".

On the other hand, the wood or electricity sector is rather satisfied with the proposed orientations, because the wood sector will be privileged to the detriment of concrete. Electricity will also be favoured, even if RTE warns about the future availability of electricity in winter.

A dynamic life cycle analysis will evaluate the carbon emitted today rather than the carbon that will be emitted tomorrow. The federations point to an approach that "transfers responsibility for the proper management of emissions from products and materials in buildings constructed today to the next generations, which is ethically questionable and contrary to the principles of sustainable development". "This method of counting is extremely favourable to bio-sourced materials.

The federations point to an approach that "transfers the responsibility for the proper management of emissions from products and materials in buildings constructed today to future generations, which is ethically questionable and contrary to the principles of sustainable development. "Moreover, "this counting method is extremely favourable to bio-based materials,


Batiweb of 25 November

Editor's note We're in the middle of the exam result that determines a lifetime. That's a silly attitude. Overnight because the minister doesn't like gas, it must be scratched from new buildings. I don't have to take sides for gas, or against gas, but only I must evoke the reasonable attitude that would have imposed a transition, and not a cut-off that violently reduces the economic prospects of a sector. It is understandable that the sector is dissatisfied and that the heating engineers wonder about their future.

The same applies to photovoltaic installations. It would have been good if a transition had been made so that new buildings could install PV systems. This is not only the additional cost, estimated at 0.4% of the price of a building. It is not just the principle that is at issue, it is common sense. If RE really is the future, it must be allowed to be adopted gradually and spontaneously by the inhabitants. Here again, instead of allowing a smooth evolution of habits, tastes and experiences, the Minister believes she is doing the right thing by directing, imposing and even delaying the implementation of RE.volution as if the French were fools, as if they were not capable of choosing what is good for them, as if the State were the only one that could distinguish between good and bad.

As the examples of the management of the covid are far from satisfactory, as these decisions do not even seem arbitrary but above all clumsy, a distance is being established between the population and the elites. Let's not look any further for an explanation of the revolts that emerge here and there, yellow jackets, protests against anti-covid norms, against the global security law, refusal to recognise the Republic...

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