L R AS Published on Friday 20 November 2020 - n° 341 - Categories:minister-regulation

Will the operation of nuclear reactors be authorised by the public?

The Ministry of Ecological Transition is launching a consultation on a draft decree that will govern the operating licences of nuclear reactors with more than

35 years old.

The draft decree has two aspects:

"A public enquiry is organised after the operator submits the review report for the nuclear power reactor, which takes into account the revisions made to the reactor.The results of the ten-yearly inspection of the reactor will be taken into account in order to allow the public to give its opinion on the conditions for its continued operation after the review;

" In a second stage, it is up to the operator to submit applications to the ASN for authorisation (or, where applicable, for a decree amendment) for the implementation of the proposed provisions, which will have been the subject of the public enquiry".

To read the draft decree : http://www.consultations-publiques.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/projet-de-decret-completant-la-section-9-du-a2260.html

Le Journal de l'Environnement of 16 October

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