L R AS Published on Sunday 8 November 2020 - n° 339 - Categories:French companies

AMI in favour of the "Photovoltaic Solar Industry".

A Call for Expression of Interest is launched in favour of the "Photovoltaic Solar Industry". It is intended to explain the potential for industrial development in France.

on the solar photovoltaic market and initiate public action to support such a dynamic. The aim is to direct in particular a part of the financing of the AAP Strategic Sectors strand 2021 towards the sector, and also to reinforce the strategic importance of this sector and therefore its inclusion in all innovation financing programmes.

The presentation document of the AMI : https://framaforms.org/sites/default/files/forms/files/descriptif_ami_pv.pdf

The AMI response form : https://framaforms.org/appel-a-manifestation-dinteret-industrie-solaire-photovoltaique-1604317181


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