L R AS Published on Saturday 7 November 2020 - n° 339 - Categories:lithium batteries

What is the resistance of lithium batteries to cold?

The Consortium for the Mutualisation of Electrical Tests on Storage Systems (Comutes2)wants to perceive the impact of cold temperatures on the quality of Li-ion batteries after twelve months of accelerated ageing;

what is the behaviour of the batteries in the accelerated charge phase; will there be metallic lithium deposits?

The consortium was created by IFPEN, CEA Liten, IFSTTAR, IMS, EIGSI and UTC to pool research costs. The Direction Générale de l'Armement (DGA), EDF, Hutchinson (a subsidiary of Total), Siemens and Valeo joined this research.

Batteries represent more than 30 % of the cost of an electric vehicle.


Actu-Environment of 5 November

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