L R AS Published on Saturday 24 October 2020 - n° 337 - Categories:meetings

IPFEN is organising a round table on 13 November on "the challenges of energy storage".

IPFEN is organising a round table on 13 November on "the challenges of energy storage and optimisation of energy management,

essential levers for the deployment of renewable energies". It will take place at 21-25 rue Balzac Paris 8ème from 9:00 to 10:30 am.

Meeting with compulsory registration

- or physically: http: //projet.ifpen.fr/Projet/jcms/c_4260433/fr/rdv-innovation-energetique-novembre-2020-ifpen-paris-2020?portal=c_4260433&jsp=types/RdvIFPENOctobre/editFormRdvIFPENOctobre.jsp

- or at a distance : https://webikeo.fr/landing/enr-stockage-et-gestion-de-l-energie-le-trio-gagnant-pour-la-transition-energetique-1/3922

Contact: rdv@ifpen.fr - 01 47 52 67 21

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