L R AS Published on Saturday 17 October 2020 - n° 336 - Categories:France, other France

News in brief in France B 336: Apex, PV-wind farm, solar simulation, renewable energy at La Défense

In brief in France B: Apex Energies, combining a solar farm with a wind farm, solar simulation tool, Total and Google Cloud, four renewable energies at La Défense

Apex Energies has commissioned a 2.5 MW photovoltaic greenhousec in Ardèche, which covers 2.5 hectares. 80% of the investment will be repaid through the sale of energy. This project modernises old greenhouses which will be more productive, and improves the operating conditions (no birds, rodents, bad weather, etc.). https://tecsol.blogs.com/mon_weblog/2020/10/apex-energies-r%C3%A9alise-pour-la-premi%C3%A8re-fois-une-serre-photovolta%C3%AFque-en-ard%C3%A8che.html


Cambrai PV Park-Niergnies built by Sun'R Power will be connected to the wind farm of Seuil du Cambrésis built by Boralex, owner-operator of 1 GW, in a single package in order to partially remedy the saturation of source substations and thus accelerate the creation of RE facilities. This type of mixed connection requires the ability to synchronously regulate the power of wind and solar generators.

The Hauts-de-France region is faced with saturation of source substations, which are essential for the distribution of electricity to the end customer. This saturation limits the development of renewable energy production, which can no longer be distributed on the electricity grid.



The Ile de France region launches its solar simulation tool


Total and Google Cloud have pooled their skills to develop, with Solar Mapper an estimate precise and fast solar energy potential of their homes, first in Europe and then worldwide. Solar Mapper provides geographical coverage of more than 90% of France. https://tecsol.blogs.com/mon_weblog/2020/10/total-et-google-cloud-mettent-au-point-solar-mapper-un-outil-pour-estimer-le-potentiel-solaire-sur-t.html

NDLR There are already many evaluations of the solar production capacity of French homes. There is one more called Google.


Paris La Défense installed for six months four sources of renewable energy which provide energy to be consumed locally (lighting, scooters, ...). Photovoltaic trees have been installed to provide energy at night, rooftop wind turbines, solar roads on the ground (Wattway) and Oasis Cafés that provide energy. This innovative project was set up with Efficacity (the City's Research & Development Institute for Energy Transition).


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