L R AS Published on Sunday 11 October 2020 - n° 335 - Categories:cells

Will cells be selected according to their impact on the environment?

Perovskite-based cells could become more environmentally friendly than silicon cells due to their increased energy efficiency.

At present, only single-junction bifacial cells are used,

lead-based devices are more environmentally friendly than traditional crystalline silicon devices, considering each square metre of active surface manufactured. Bifacial cells have an environmental impact 20-60% higher than single-sided devices: "The difference can be attributed to the different material requirements for the glass, the contact layers and the additional layer of anti-reflection coating (ARC) required for bifacial PV cells.»

Two-ended perovskite cells have a similar environmental impact as their crystalline counterparts, while four-ended perovskite devices have a 50-70% greater impact.


PV Magazine of 8 October

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