L R AS Published on Sunday 4 October 2020 - n° 334 - Categories:European countries

Since 1 October, tax on small Belgian producers

As of Thursday1 October, the Walloon energy regulator is introducing a tax payable by all producers of energy below 10 kVA, in order to contribute to

the cost of integrating small-scale production into the network. Households that consume and produce electricity for the grid, without smart meters, will pay a flat rate linked to the production capacity of their domestic energy system.

Customers with smart meters (which record the amount of electricity they consume and the amount they feed into the grid) will be charged the new fee on the amount of electricity they consume and the amount they feed into the grid. However, this figure cannot be higher than if the charge were set on the basis of the generation capacity of the home network.

This charge will be reimbursed by the Walloon government until 2022, after which it will be reimbursed at 54%. From 2024 onwards, producers will have to pay the full fee.

The Flemish part of Belgium has been paying this tax since July 2015.


PV Magazine of 29 September

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