L R AS Published on Monday 28 September 2020 - n° 333 - Categories:lithium batteries

Sharp fall in the price of battery cells

The average cost of a lithium-ion battery cell will fall below

100 per kWh in 2023 (up from $580 in 1993), and will reach $73/kWh in 2030 according to IHS Markit

These price reductions are the result of lower material costs, improved efficiency and economies of scale in production. These cost reductions will increase use, particularly in balancing energy supply and demand.


Tecsol of September 23rd

Editor's note Lithium and nickel prices being at their lowest level on world markets at present, lead one to believe that they will remain at that level, allowing the above extrapolations to be made. It would only take a resumption of demand for prices to rise and these assessments would be largely contradicted.

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