L R AS Published on Monday 21 September 2020 - n° 332 - Categories:French companies

Sirea has switched to electric vehicles and is doing well

Sirea, a specialist in renewable energies for professionals, has replaced the petrol fuel in its vehicles with solar energy. The 21 kWp PV shading system installed by the company powers a charging station for its three electric vehicles.

The fuel saved amounts to

9,000 per year to which is added, after the vehicles are recharged, the energy supplied to its buildings. Its self-consumption photovoltaic installation will pay for itself within 5 years.


Tecsol of 20 September

Editor's note Should it be understood that the profitability of the installation in five years takes into account the fuel savings, and the full cost of building the shade, the extra cost of changing vehicles and ancillary costs?

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