L R AS Published on Friday 18 September 2020 - n° 332 - Categories:panels, products, various products

Thin-film solar tubes for agrivoltaics

Germany's Tube Solar has received funding of €10.8m to increase its production capacity for thin-film solar tubes to 250 MW. They are robust, light and mainly intended for agrivoltaic applications. Production started last year.

Flexible photovoltaic strips

would be encapsulated in a glass tube. The products can be impregnated with light and water for optimal plant growth. The panels are simple and inexpensive to install. The tubes provide partial shade for the crops as well as protection against heavy rain, hail and bird droppings.


PV Magazine of 17 September

NDLR Research is done to find the best method to install the panels, to make them give the best result, to compare systems. This does not mean that the new formula will bring additional efficiency. It may fall into oblivion as it may be adopted by some users. The fact that the company has been producing for a year and that it is receiving this capital, seems to mean that there are buyers and interest.

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