L R AS Published on Sunday 13 September 2020 - n° 331 - Categories:company results, silicon mono/multi

GCL Poly invests heavily in silicon production

The polysilicon producer GCL-Poly has begun construction of the first phase of a new 54,000-tonne polysilicon production facility (the first phase will create a facility with an initial capacity of 30,000 tonnes by June 2021, and will then be increased to 54,000 tonnes by the end of 2021). Its final total capacity will be 100,000 tonnes.

GCL-Poly will use its Fluidised Bed Reactor (FBR) method for the mass production of silicon in the facility, which is used for the continuous pulling of monocrystalline silicon crystals and the priming of high yield polycrystalline silicon ingots.

The company's FBR method is a shorter production process because it has fewer post-processing steps. Its investment cost is 30% lower. Energy consumption is also almost two-thirds (65%) lower than more traditional methods. It requires 30% less labour.


PV Tech of 8 September

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