L R AS Published on Saturday 12 September 2020 - n° 331 - Categories:Enerplan/SER

SER-Soler's president is surprised by the lack of relevance of the hydrogen plan

The CEO of Kilowattsol and President of SER-Soler is surprised that the French government's recovery plan, which allocates 30 billion euros to the energy transition, did not see fit to mention and even give priority to photovoltaics. He adds

that solar energy will have a central place in the energy of the 21st century according to all the experts, except for the French government!

He stresses that all digital devices need distributed electrical infrastructures. We must therefore be prepared to supply these devices with the energy they need. He calls for developing the production of the photovoltaic sector in France and to avoid importing all the panels from China because whoever has the production also has the use. Emphasising research without having the manufacturing tools means condemning research in the long term. Emphasising storage using hydrogen, as the government wants to do, means forgetting that storage is the way to use the energy produced when you want it. Therefore, you have to think about production if you want to store it.


PV Magazine of 9 September

Editor's note The common sense of X. Daval is to be underlined. The desire to give priority to hydrogen is certainly useful but meets the expectations of pressure groups. The important thing is to develop the installation of panels, but also their manufacture. The lack of homogeneity and relevance in the government strategy is impressive. Is it still linked to the weight of EDF as an energy producer?

We have the answer in the AFP report, which mentions: "Hydrogen can become "clean" by being produced notably by electrolysis of water, provided that electricity from renewable sources or at least low carbon sources is used". This means that EDF with its nuclear power stations intends to provide the energy necessary for electrolysis. This explains why there is no stimulation of renewable energy production. We want to leave solar or wind energy out of the hydrogen production!

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