L R AS Published on Saturday 12 September 2020 - n° 331 - Categories:followers, R&D

A follower powered by inflatable bladders

The American Sunfolding has a tracker that uses air to orient the panels. Instead of using a motor, it uses two inflatable bladders powered by

by a pneumatic system. During the course of the day, one of the bladders is gradually inflated. It gradually tilts the panel in the direction of the sun.

The system consists of a post, an actuator (which replaces the motor, the bearing and a gearbox) and racks on which the panel rests.

This system is much lighter than mechanical systems. It also improves the efficiency of material transport, maintenance and installation time, while allowing installations on difficult terrain.


PV Magazine of 10 September

Editor's note The system is interesting, but will the bladder or the pipes hold up over time and not tear with the inflation and retraction?

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